Are Christians Called to Be Pacifists?
Latest Episode:1472
Are Christians Called to Be Pacifists?

What Happens to Good People Who Don’t Find Christ?

Episode 182 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions on redemptive history, tattoos, and what happens to good people from other faiths.

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Episode 182 Show Notes

What Happens to Good People Who Don't Find Christ?

From the Show

What happens to good people who don’t take Christ as their Lord & Savior?

Everything revolves around Christ. It's not because they don't belong to our religion, or they don't go to our church, or our schools, or they don't sign off on all of our doctrines and so forth. First and foremost, above everything else, it's because they don't have Christ interceding for them before the Father. They do not cry out, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. May Jesus Christ be my mediator before your throne, may his righteousness cover my unrighteous." That's the difference. It is not because Christianity is better or Christians are better. We're not. It's not because we're morally superior, or we're intellectually superior, or because we have better programs for the kids, a better track record in terms of cultural impact, it has nothing to do with any of that. It is solely because of Christ. That's what makes the difference as to whether we go to heaven or hell. — Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. 1 John 5:3 says that God's commandments are not burdensome, but most days it doesn’t really feel that way. Why is pursuing holiness so hard?

2. How is the history of redemption related to actual history? Are they the same thing?

3. Are tattoos considered a sin? If so, why? If not, why not?

4. What is the biblical difference between righteousness and justice? Is righteousness personal and justice societal?

5. I'm a strong believer but I wonder what happens to people of the sikh faith or Buddhism who are nice, peaceful and gentle but don't take Christ as their personal savior?


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