Who Exactly is Allowed to Perform Baptisms?
Latest Episode:1472
Who Exactly is Allowed to Perform Baptisms?

How You Can Stop Doubting Your Salvation

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Many Christians contact us with questions about assurance. They doubt their salvation and worry that they are destined for hell and wonder if they can possibly be saved. They believe that Jesus rose again. They believe that God is good, but they wonder if God will be merciful to them. They wonder if God will save them and worry that maybe they don’t have genuine faith.

If this is you, if you are one of the many who doubt that God’s love for you will lead to your salvation, then you need to hear what Dr. Michael Horton’s words of hope: “I believe that we can have assurance and even full assurance of our salvation in this life simply by looking to Jesus Christ.”

If this sounds too simple to be true, check out this clip from an episode of Core Christianity where he and Adriel Sanchez go into more detail about how you can have confidence that God’s word to you is not a word of judgment or condemnation but of mercy, grace, and love.

Check out more of our video content on the Core Christianity YouTube channel.