Who Exactly is Allowed to Perform Baptisms?
Latest Episode:1472
Who Exactly is Allowed to Perform Baptisms?

If Salvation Is Free, Do I Still Have to Obey God?

Posted August 31, 2019
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In this video, Dr. Michael Horton explains the difference between God's grace poured out in Christ to save and the response to that grace of obeying God's law and practicing loving God and loving our neighbor.

In the new birth [regeneration] we are “acted upon” (Ephesians 2:1-5). It’s very important for us to recognize that new birth is a gift. Even the faith with which we believe is a gift of God. But once we are made alive in Christ, by the gospel, we respond. Now we aren’t dead….because we’ve been made alive in Christ and because we’ve been declared righteous in Jesus Christ, now for the first time we love God and our neighbor.

Watch this short video below to hear the rest of Dr. Horton's explanation.