Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?
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Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?

Advice for the Wife of an Abusive Husband

Episode 203 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions on salvation and free will, abuse, and false gospels.

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Episode 203 Show Notes

Advice for the Wife of an Abusive Husband

From the Show

What pastoral advice would you have for a wife who is suffering at the hands of an abusive husband? Is it wrong for us who know about it to intervene? If so, do you have any advice for how we should intervene?

Heartbreaking. The first pastoral advice I would give is, call the police…A woman, or a man, who is being abused is more likely to not want you to intervene. There are all sorts of things going on there, maybe over a long period of time, where they are afraid of what their husband will do…You then have to intervene and, if they belong to a church, get other people in the church to help you and come around her like bubble wrap. And call the police and she needs to be separated from him. — Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. Can you pray to Jesus and God? Or just God in Jesus' name? What about praying to Mary? I thought you could only pray to the Lord.

2. How can you tell if someone is preaching a false gospel? What is the main thing to pay attention to?

3. What pastoral advice would you have for a wife who is suffering at the hands of an abusive husband? Is it wrong for us who know about it to intervene? If so, do you have any advice for how we should intervene?

4. How do you articulate salvation? Often we want to be responsible for our salvation, saying we choose God. Is it us that chooses God first or does God choose us first? With that, do we then put the responsibility of choice and free will on God? Can you explain this a little clearer?


Is My Pastor Preaching a False Gospel?

What Is the Gospel?


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