Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?
Latest Episode:1473
Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?

How Can I Share the Gospel If I’m Introverted?

Episode 970 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about kids who leave the faith, sharing the gospel, gossip, the Golden Rule, and forgiving others.

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Episode 970 Show Notes

From the Show

Pray for boldness and for opportunities as you are living faithfully; loving the body of Christ, the people around you, working hard at whatever your vocation is, and being open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

–Adriel Sanchez

How Can I Share the Gospel If I’m Introverted?

Questions in this Episode

  1. How do I lovingly engage with my daughter who left the faith?
  2. How do I share the gospel as an introvert?
  3. Why don’t we take warnings about the dangers of gossip seriously?
  4. Is the Golden Rule the greatest rule in the Bible?
  5. Does true forgiveness require me to tell my offender that I forgive them?

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Core Question – How Do I Live the Christian Life?