How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?
Latest Episode:1474
How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?

How Do I Know If I Treasure Christ If My Heart Is Cold?

Episode 859 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about loving Christ more than the world, trinitarian heresies, the biblical generations, and biblically loving gay friends.

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Episode 859 Show Notes

From the Show

None of us treasure Christ as much as we should. But how do we grow in this? We don’t do this by looking inside yourself and being discouraged how short you fall of loving the Lord. It’s by meditating the love he has for you.

–Adriel Sanchez

How Do I Know If I Treasure Christ If My Heart Is Cold?

Questions in this Episode

  1. What does Psalm 85 mean when it talks about mercy and peace meeting and righteousness and peace kissing?
  2. How do you love and treasure Jesus more than anything in the world? I feel like my love for him is cold.
  3. Should we break fellowship with those who hold heretical views about the trinity?
  4. How should understand the “thousand generations” in Deuteronomy 9?
  5. How can I faithfully love and support my lesbian friend who is no longer a Christian?

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