Is it Okay to Serve Communion outside of a Church Service?
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Is it Okay to Serve Communion outside of a Church Service?

How Should We Understand Our Ongoing Struggles With Sin?

Aired July 3, 2019

Episode 218 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions on what it means to take up our cross, having doubts, and hell.

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Episode 218 Show Notes

How Should We Understand Our Ongoing Struggles With Sin?

From the Show

How should we understand ongoing struggles with sin? No matter how hard I try I don’t achieve any noticeable victory?

Notice that, this is the Apostle Paul speaking. He doesn't just say, 'wretched man that I was,' that I came to Jesus and everything's been rosey, no, 'wretched man that I am. Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.' And so you see here, he's saying, I have repented and I do repent. My mind is captivated by God's word. In my conviction, I believe that x is wrong or, I shouldn't do y or I should do x, and yet I find myself repeatedly failing to do what I should, and doing exactly what I shouldn't. And the only answer to that is Jesus Christ. He looks up out of his miserable self-turning gaze away from himself to Jesus Christ, who is pleading for him in heaven, who is already glorified and is preparing a place for him, whose righteousness is sufficient to cover his sins. — Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. How should we understand places where Jesus calls us to take up our cross? How does this relate to salvation being a free gift?

2. My father died and I don't believe he repented of his sins and was "born again." My father was a good man and believed in Jesus but I really don't know if this was a belief in his heart or his head. Will he be subject to judgment?

3. How should we understand ongoing struggles with sin? No matter how hard I try I don’t achieve any noticeable victory?

4. In another episode you talked about doubts as not being sinful. This is completely different from what I heard growing up. Can you explain this more?

5. What does the Bible mean when it describes our life as hidden with Christ in God and raised up with Christ?

6. What does it mean that the wicked perish? I know it’s taught that the wicked burn in hell, but in John 3:16 how can we translate that into 'burn in hell forever,' instead of being separated from God forever?



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