Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?
Latest Episode:1473
Who Was the Last Prophet in the Bible?

If Demons Believe in God, Does Believing in God Really Save You?

Aired January 1, 2021

Episode 611 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about the miraculous events in the bible, bible translations, what it means to “believe” in Jesus, and parenting.

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Episode 611 Show Notes

From the Show

Faith and belief saves us because it clings to Jesus. Jesus is the one who saves, it is not how strong my faith is or how many good works I have. Think of faith like this: an empty hand that receives a gift. The grace of God, Jesus Christ. It is not something that we do, it is receiving and resting in what Jesus has done for us.

——Adriel Sanchez

Questions in this Episode

  1. 1. What do you say to people who claim that Christian doctrines like the trinity and the miracles in the bible are merely myths and fairytales? I believe and trust in Jesus, but when I start to spell out the things Christians believe it does honestly sound strange sometimes. Curious to hear your thoughts.

2. What’s the difference in bible translations? The one I use is a Roman Catholic bible which contains additional books not found in other Bibles, but even so, isn’t the word of God going to be mirrored in each and every Bible? Therefore, whether I read my Bible or the Gideon Bible at a hotel room, won’t the same message get across? Or is it sometimes different per Bible?

3. People are telling me that “All you have to do is believe,” but even the demons believed but did not follow him. In my opinion believing does not give total salvation because of that. I would like to hear your thoughts on that.

4. My son is 5 years old and recently acted out against his siblings and hurt them. While he reconciled with them and my wife and I forgave him, he is still struggling with guilt. At such a young age, how should we encourage our kids, especially when they fail?

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Words of Life: Scripture as the Living and Active Word of God by Timothy Ward