How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?
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How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?

Who is the Man of Lawlessness?

Episode 256 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions on "the Man of Lawlessness," if Christianity and other religions are essentially the same, and what to say to people who want to die.

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Episode 256 Show Notes

Who is the Man of Lawlessness?

From the Show

Who is the Man of Lawlessness?

Now, there are various interpretations of this throughout church history. One view is that Paul is talking about Titus, the Roman General who did in fact proclaim himself as god and took his seat in the temple, profaning it by sacrificing pigs on the altar and then after destroying Jerusalem and the temple in 70AD he became the Roman Emperor. So, maybe it's Titus, maybe it's Nero? Another view is that it's the Pope. That was taught by some in the Middle-Ages and also in the Reformation. The third view is that there is yet in the future an antichrist in whom all of the blaspheming rulers of the ages will be consummated.

And this is my view. The apostle says that already, the spirit of this man of lawlessness is set loose in the world and the only thing restraining it is Christ, through the preaching of the gospel. It is the ministry of the Word going forth that is restraining the man of lawlessness. So, there is, in my view, some period in time when there will be a Great Apostasy, the preaching of the gospel will be very minimal and that will release the man of lawlessness; this person in whom all of the evil and false prophets of the past come to ahead. He is the expression, really, the culmination of all false prophets who have sought to proclaim themselves gods and set themselves up over the people. — Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. When Paul speaks to the Thessalonians about the great falling away, what is he speaking of there?

2. I have a friend who used to be a Christian but now claims she is part of the Krishna Consciousness. When I try to talk to her about it, she is convinced that it's actually the same thing. That ultimately, we are all called to love God. I later met some other members of the Krishna Consciousness and they insisted that it and Christianity had differences but were essentially the same. What do I say to my friend?

3. I still say Jesus is Lord, Savior, and God, but I would rather be in hell than in heaven. I am at that point in my life.

4. If God is sovereign, why do we pray for his will to be done? And that being said, if he is sovereign, where does our personal choice come in? Can we make choices outside of the will of God?



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