How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?
Latest Episode:1474
How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?

Will God Reward My Good Works When I Reach Heaven?

Episode 499 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about Sunday morning stress, if God only hears us when we pray the right way, if Jesus rewards our good works in heaven, and why marriage doesn’t continue in heaven.

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Episode 499 Show Notes

From the Show

We do know two things. One, we’re saved by faith, and faith alone, and we enter into the gates of heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ, not through what we’ve done. And yet, we know that we are going to give an account before the Lord, and that he is going to reward us for the good things that we’ve done. What those rewards are going to be like, well, we can speculate all day long. We don’t know entirely. Be we do know that there isn’t going to be anyone in heaven who feels like they’re left out.

–Adriel Sanchez

Questions in this Episode

1. Getting to church with our children is often stressful. This last Sunday I said some harsh words to my kids, threatening them with discipline. In the moment I felt justified, but I also know I spoke out of anger, not love. I really want our family to be at church to hear the call to worship, but I am terrified that my behavior is only making my kids despise going to church. What can I do?

2. Whether I pray right or pray wrong, will God always hear my prayer?

3. Does Ephesians 2:8-9 contradict Revelation 22:12? Is Jesus returning with a reward that is something other than salvation that can be earned by works? Or is the “what they have done”in Revelation 22:12 simply the act of believing in Christ?

4. Matthew 22:30 says, “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”If God instituted marriage for us on earth, why would he remove it in the afterlife?


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