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How Can I Reach My Unbelieving Spouse with the Gospel?

Sam Allberry: You Can Be Faithful to Jesus Despite Same-Sex Attraction

Posted February 17, 2017
Christian LivingSexuality
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Sam Allberry, associate pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Maidenhead, England, addressed the Church of England General Synod in London this week. Rev. Allberry affirms the traditional view of marriage as being between a man and a woman and believes it is the only godly context for sex, which is why he is committed to living a celibate life. He chooses to live this way because he is same-sex attracted and loves Jesus.

Here are a few notable points from the clip:

  • Rev. Allberry chooses to identify himself as “same-sex attracted” instead of “gay.”
  • Sexuality is not a matter of identity.
  • Human worth and fulfillment do not depend on being sexually or romantically fulfilled. He was a man who never married, was never in a romantic relationship, and never had sex. Yet, the most fully human and complete person who ever lived was Jesus Christ.

More Resources from Sam Allberry:

Is God Anti-Gay?: And Other Questions about Homosexuality, the Bible and Same-Sex Attraction (Book)

Same-Sex Attraction (White Horse Inn Show)

Our Desires, Our Selves?: Michael S. Horton interviews Sam Allberry (Modern Reformation Article)