What’s the Difference Between True and False Faith?
Latest Episode:1570
What’s the Difference Between True and False Faith?

Can a Christian Walk Away from Salvation?

Episode 302| Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer questions about the possibility of walking away from salvation, Adriel’s love of the book of Hebrews, what to do about not having the answers for a friend who is a new Christian, practical ways for a church to reach out to the community, and whether God uses trials to draw us near to him.

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Episode 302 Show Notes

From the Show

I’m convinced from Scripture that saved people can’t or rather won’t ever be unsaved.

—Michael Horton

Questions in this Episode

1. Can a saved person walk away from their salvation? Can they be unsaved?

2. My question is for Pastor Adriel. I often hear you mention the book of Hebrews and I’m wondering what it is about that book specifically that makes you seem to be so drawn to it.

3. I have a friend who is new to the faith and has a lot of questions that I don’t have the answers to. What should I do?

4. What are some practical ways our Church can reach out to our community?

5. Does God use trials to draw us near to him?


Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospelby Michael Horton

The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson

The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in a Bad News World by Michael Horton


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