How Do I Share the Gospel with Someone Who Thinks They Don't Need It?
Latest Episode:1517
How Do I Share the Gospel with Someone Who Thinks They Don't Need It?

Should Christians Avoid Wearing Jeans on Sunday Mornings?

Aired June 13, 2024

Episode 1510 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer questions about the "Law of Christ", church dress code, misquoting the Bible, and how to find a church.

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"When people are made to feel this way in church, some of them stop going and then just never go back... Get plugged into a good church where the main thing is focused not on how you dress, but whether or not you're clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. That's the main thing." – Pastor Adriel Sanchez

Questions in this Episode

Questions with an asterisk have related resources linked below.

  1. What is the "Law of Christ"?
  2. Should pastors correct people for wearing jeans at church?
  3. How can I respond when people try to disprove the Bible by misquoting it?
  4. What should I look for in a worship service?

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