The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media
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The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media

Should Christians Pray Imprecatory Psalms?

Aired January 18, 2021
Christian LivingPrayer

Episode 622 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about why Christians need the church, Matthew 27, how to deal with division, and if Christians should pray the imprecatory psalms.

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Episode 622 Show Notes

From the Show

Under the old covenant, the psalmists are responding to the pain and hurt that the people of Israel had experienced. But when Jesus came and instituted the new covenant, he calls us, as he did, to love our enemies. As Jesus has loved us, so we are called to love our enemies as well.

——Adriel Sanchez

Questions in this Episode

1. Why do Christians need the church when our own bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? Didn’t the tearing of the veil signify that God could not be contained by a building?

2. In Matthew 27, it says that other people other than Jesus were raised from the dead. Do we know anything about who these people were or what happened to them?

3. What is the biblical teaching on whether women can be pastors or not?

4. In Nehemiah 3, the entire chapter speaks about small details about the building of the wall. What things should we take away from these types of passages of scripture?

5. What book in the bible would you go to to help deal with division in the church?

6. Should we pray the imprecatory psalms even though Jesus says that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us?

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You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit by James K. A. Smith