What’s the Difference Between True and False Faith?
Latest Episode:1570
What’s the Difference Between True and False Faith?

What Does Jesus Mean When He Says, “Do Not Throw Your Pearls Before Pigs”?

Episode 1028 | Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Dr. Bill Maier answer questions about guilt and shame, exorcisms, Jesus’s disciples, and the book of Amos.

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Episode 1028 Show Notes

From the Show

Think about having precious jewels, it would be foolish to cast them before pigs. Similarly, when we think about the teaching of the holy gospel, Jesus is saying, don’t just cast that out to anyone. Some will trample it and reject it, so there must be discernment as we think about ministering with it.

–Adriel Sanchez

What Does Jesus Mean When He Says, “Do Not Throw Your Pearls Before Pigs”?

Questions in this Episode

  1. How do we answer criticisms that Christianity is just a mechanism that deals with guilt and shame?
  2. What does it mean in Amos 8:12 where it says, “No one may find the word of the Lord”?
  3. What happened to the demons who Jesus cast into the pigs?
  4. How do we distinguish between “conscience, heart, spirit, and soul”?
  5. Are Jesus’s disciples still asleep or are they with him in heaven?

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