Episode 107 Show Notes
Why Do Christians Have to Endure Trials?
From the Show
Does the Bible have a cold view toward those suffering?
Peter is not being a stoic here. He's not just saying buck-up, pretend that your suffering isn't a big deal, but he's putting it in perspective. We can get through it, not because we have a stiff upper lip, but because we have a hope that’s greater than whatever tragedy we’re going through right now. God understands. He cares for us, here, now. No one experienced a trial as terrible as Jesus’ trial and he's seated triumphantly at our Father's right hand interceding for us, right now, just as he did in the book of Acts when he was standing at the stoning of Stephen.
The last thing that Stephen experienced before he died was looking up into the heavens and having that vision of Christ at the right hand of the Father interceding for him. So Paul can say in 2 Corinthians, 4:17 and 18, “For this light momentary affliction”– how could he call it that? Remember, he wasn't sitting in the lap of luxury, he wasn't writing this from the Sheraton. Paul was constantly being stoned, almost being beaten to death, shipwrecked…I mean, you talk about suffering, this guy was pretty beat up. “For this light momentary affliction,” he says, “is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison as we look, not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are passing away, but the things that are unseen remain forever. — Michael Horton
Questions in this Episode
1. Will Christians become holy by just focusing on the gospel or is there more to it than that?
2. What advice do you have for being faithful to Jesus in the little things, the sort of everyday grind of work, friendships, and family?
3. Does the Bible have a cold view of those suffering?
4. 2 Peter 3:8-9 the Bible talks about God delaying judgment in the coming of Christ, what does this mean?
5. How can you tell if you are really bearing fruit?
What Every Christian Needs to Know about Evil and Suffering
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